Cultivation of Carrot

Cultivation of Carrot

Soil and its Preparation :
Carrots do well in well drained, deep, loose and Loamy soils. Looseness of soils helps in the production of good round-shaped roots and a high yield. After ploughing or hoeing the field to a fine tilt beds of convenient size are made.

Sowing time and Seed Rate :
Carrots are sown from the beginning of March to September the optimum time being August in cold areas while from the middle of August to November in warm areas. The seed rate varies from 7 to 9 Kgs per hectare according to the thickness of sowing/ broadcasting.

Methods of Sowing :
Carrots are sown in raised beds having dimension of 1 metre breadth, any convenient length and raised from 15 to 30 cms. In order to have an evenly sown crop the seeds are mixed with dry/ loose soil. Generally there are two methods of sowing as described below :-
* Broadcast Sowing : In this method the seeds are sown in lines with the help of a marker at a distance of 6 cms apart. The seeds are then covered with loose and friable soil of about 2-4 cms depending upon the rainfall and season. In this method proper spacing is not maintained even after thinning out.

* Row Sowing : In this method the seeds are sown in lines with the help of a marker at a distance of 6 cms apart. The seeds are then covered with loose and friable soil of about 2-4 cms again depending upon the rainfall and season, In this case proper spacing can be maintained and after-care like weeding and thinning is easier.

Manures and Fertilizers : 20-25 metric tonnes of well- rooted manure should be applied as basal dressing during final preparation of the land. Fertilizer application should be as per soil test. However in general a carrot crop would require the following quantities of chemical fertilizers as per hectare.
Urea - 87 Kgs
Single Super Phosphate - 250 Kgs
Muriate of Potash - 130 Kgs

The whole quantity of Single Super Phosphate, Muriate of Potash and half the quantity of Urea is to be given as basal dose at the time of final preparation of the land and the other half of Urea is to be given 30 to 45 days after sowing, as top dressing.

Interculture and Other Operations :
Seeds germinate in about 10 - 15 days and as soon as plants become well established, they are to be thinned at 4-5cms apart plant to plant, and 6 cms from row to row, to avoid overcrowding and to have a better yield. The weeds should be removed according to necessity. The developing roots should be covered with soil to avoid discoloration of the crown.

Plant Protection Measures :
Carrots are generally free from pests and diseases. However the following control measures may be followed in case of leaf blight and soil insects.

1.) Leaf blight : Spray with Indofil M-45 @ 7 level tea spoonful in 1 kerosene oil tinful of water (18 litres) Repeat at 15 days intervals till the disease is controlled.

2.) Soil Insects : Apply Thiodan 4% Dust @ 17 Kgs/ha or Ekalux 1.5% Dust @ 45 Kgs/ha before preparation of the land.

Harvesting and Yield :
The carrot crop is ready for harvesting after 4-5 months, when the roots are about 2.5 – 3.7 cms in diameter at the upper end. Roots with the tops on may be pulled out to check the size Yield per hectare may vary from from 140 – 375 quintals according to the variety and condition of the crop.